Heli Fest / Weston Park 2019

Every year in mid June there is one of the Largest R/C Aircraft events in the world. It is known as “Weston Park Airshow” and it has everything from Jets, to Aerobatic Airplanes, Drones, Control Line, Full Scale demos, and last be not least R/C Helicopters! The show draws over 30,000 spectators who are there to see and learn about the joys of R/C Flying. The show went on Friday – Sunday with Saturday being the main day of the event.


Within this larger event there is a event just for helicopters know as “HeliFest”. This event is located in Weston Park still, but has its own helicopter only flight line just a short walk from the main airshow line. On this line there was mostly open flying for all Heli pilots, and then of course some amazing sponsor demos and a contest for Englands best pilots to showcase their skills in.

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Amongst the Top R/C Helicopter pilots there were many pilots from Team Scorpion! Including Dunkan Bossion, Kyle Dahl, Mark W, Alex W, and Englands Connor Sloan.

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If you never went to or heard of this event before then we recommend you check it out! It really is something special. There are numerous food vendors on site, a beer garden along with constant entertaining flying! Not just R/C flying to, there were eve full scale demos including a Spitfire demo, Aerobatic Bi Plane demo, Aerobatic Glider demo with Pyrotechnics, Night Flying and a spectacular Fireworks display!

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Check out more videos and coverage here.





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Lee Martin Racing blog: BRCA nationals round 4

This gallery contains 6 photos.

I won the 2nd place in 2wd and 4wd at BRCA nationals round 4! My cars and equipment were dialed, just made a few silly mistakes to lose a chance of the win! Tough racing on a great track though!!! … Continue reading

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Scorpion Tribunus 200A Scratch / Dent ***SALE***

Hello Scorpion Fans!

In 2016 Scorpion released the version 1 Tribunus 200A ESC. This ESC is one of the best on the market with the most active protections, and very good telemetry options! Although there is now the new V2 Tribunus II 200A ESC which has improved cooling, and improved PCB design, the V1 is still a very very good and reliable ESC which many still use to this day.

Overtime Scorpion has acquired a fair few ESC which have been used but then refurbished from the factory, and although they are 100% functional, they aren’t viable for sale to the General public. Additionally they have some cosmetic damage on the cases.

Scorpion has decided it is time to clean house and sell off some of these ESC for a VERY appealing price!  These Scratch / Dent ESC’s have now been uploaded to the site. The ESC’s come with a 1 Year Warranty also!

So if you are interested in trying out and seeing why Scorpion is the Best ESC on the market, for a bargain price, then now is your chance to act fast! These ESC’s wont last long!

Check out the Link Below!

Scratch / Dent Tribunus 200A ESC 

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Sakkarin Kongthon – Final Freestyle Flight – with Slow Motion Replay

As helicopter designs get stronger, and power systems get more powerful, this allows professional pilots to come up with even more complex and aggressive maneuvers. A lot of these maneuvers happen so quickly and are so complex that some people cant even comprehend what the model is doing this! I personally call this the “next generation” of pilots and flying.

One example of this where it is evident was on the final freestyle flight of Sakkarin Kongthon ( CD ) at Global 3D 2019. CD is a pilot from Thailand who has been coming up through the ranks in competitive R/C Helicopters. This year in preparation for Global 3D he was flying 15 flights per day every day of the week. He was spending all the flights coming up with new and innovative maneuvers and learning them with complete control so that he could do them consistently and aggressively low and fast during the competition.

In addition the 4525-520kv motor with 200amp ESC has also long been the standard for competition 3D helicopter flying. However for CD and other next generation pilots have now found that they need even MORE power to keep up with their maneuvers. So CD is using the Scorpion HKII – 4530-540kv Motor and Tribunus 300A ESC . This system can deliver 11,000 watts of power and completely discharges a 12s 5500mah battery in 3 minutes flat!

Since the flying style is so fast and complex now, our US distributor for Scorpion Power System, Mikado USA, made this video of CD’s winning final freestyle flight, and has added slow motion replays of the most aggressive and difficult parts to try and help you all understand just how complex the maneuvers are.

Sakkarin Kongthon – Final Freestyle Flight – with Slow Motion Replay

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Hope you enjoy this video. Make sure you COMMENT, LIKE and SHARE it if you enjoy it!

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Global 3D 2019 – Final Results and Recap

Well another Global 3D competition is in the books, and this was one of the most successful and entertaining ones ones yet! The weather today was absolutely perfect. About 20C with zero to near no wind the entire day. The crowd came early and was eager to be entertained by the professional level flying of the competition pilots.


The day started off by finishing up the preliminary rounds for the Expert level class. This morning they still had to fly their preliminary music rounds. The round went swiftly and was very entertaining to watch. After the Scores were posted for this round, we knew which of the Expert Pilots were going to progress to the Finals. The list going in to the finals was as follows.
5. Marius Gehle
4. Thanawin Kiatgungwalg
3. Aaron Cole
2. Henrik Clausen
1. Vava Boonmala (Team Scorpion)

Between the conclusion of the Prelims and the start of the demos there was a string of Sponsor Demos. The Scorpion Demo consisted of a demo from Lucas Biblich flying the MA Whiplash 730 Electro, a 3 way demo from team Gaui by Rasmuth Jakobsen, Peter Hsaio, and Ryan Chiu, then a very aggressive flight by myself, which, egged on by the crowd, ended in a pretty spectacular crash!

Check out the video here!! –*** Kyle Dahl Logo 700 Demo and Crash***

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Other then the Scorpion demo there was many great demos from other companies which included amazing flights with pyrotechnics, midairs and more other tandem flights.

After this the Finals Rounds of the competition began. For the finals rounds, the starting order of the pilots is determined by the place which they qualified in. But, the scores themselves from the Prelim Rounds are wiped out and the Pilots all start from 0 at the beginning of the round.   The finals Started with the Experts Set maneuvers flight, followed immediately by the Masters Set maneuvers flights. This round went off smoothly with no upsets or dramas. After this round there was no change in the score places so the Expert Class Vava Boonmala was still leading the pack, as well as Sakkarin Kongthron in Master Class.

Right after this it went directly into the Flight to Music Round! This round is always my favorite to watch as I love seeing how the pilots choreograph their maneuvers to the music. It really showcases the pilots creativity and control. All pilots flew beautifully with no crashes. I know for sure I can’t wait to see videos of all of the flight so that I can see them again. I think one of the most aggressive flights was from Henrik Clausen in the Experts Class, and the most innovative flight was from Marik Wiehenstroth in the Masters Class. But since the music round is judged on 6 different categories you have to have a flight which is the best overall. And those winning music flights again went to Vava, and Sakkarin in their respective classes!

After this there was another string of Sponsor demos which of course were amazing to watch! Since I had crashed my Logo 700 in the Sponsor demo, I flew my Glogo 690 in Tandem with Robin Lipke for the Mikado Demo.

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After the conclusion of the Sponsor Demos they rolled directly into the last and final round of competition, and by far the most high energy round. The Final Freestlye Round!!! Going in to this round all pilots in the Expert Class still retained their Yellow Card, which meant that they could push their models very hard knowing that if something happened and they crashed, they could do a re fly. In the Master Class all pilots except Kyle Stacy had their yellow card. Kyle Stacy had already used his yellow card due to a crash in the prelims.

In the expert class all pilots flew amazingly well. There was one crash from Marius Gehle who crashed due to flying to low! The crowd loved it, and since he had his yellow card he was able to fly again at the end of the round. In my opinion, Aaron Cole had the most technical and precise flights, Henrik Clausen with the most entertaining flight, and Vava Boonmala of course with the best mix of all the judge able categories. This concluded the flying for the Experts Class and they went straight into the “main event”, the  Masters Final Freestlye.

Kyle Stacy started the round off with a very aggressive flight. Even though Kyle Stacy didn’t have his yellow card anymore this didn’t seem to stop him from flying all out! He was pushing his model incredibly hard and even used Pyro Technics during his flight as a special effect. However the aggressive flying eventually caught up to him and unfortunately he crashed quite spectacularly about 2 minutes into his routine! While it was a good flight, without the ability for a re fly this essentially sealed his fate into the 5th place position.

Next up was Marik Wiehenstroth. He flew a routine which was full of new and innovative maneuvers as well as very aggressive! The crowd cheered every time they saw one of his new maneuvers performed and  the flight was a pleasure to watch.
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After this was Kenny Ko. Kenny Ko flying style is one that is so precise and nice to watch. Every move is very intentional and deliberate and you can see he has total control of his model. Additionally since he still had his yellow card, this allowed him to have some room to push his model and flying, in order to try and make up some points in the competition.  A very nice flight indeed.

Up 2nd to last was Kan Poonnoi. Kan also was trying hard to make up points and see if he could catch up to Sakkarin who had a healthy lead going in to this round. He flew very well and layed down a very precise and technical flight.

Last but certainly not least was Sakkarin Kongthron who prepared for his flight with his Scorpion Powered Mikado Logo 700. Sakkarin knew that he would have to push it in order to keep Kenny and Kan at bay and all I can say is… he certainly did this!! His flight was literally one of the best I have ever seen in my life! It was full of new and innovative maneuvers, and was technical, and of course LOW and entertaining!  After seeing his flight I had my suspicions that this flight was enough for him to keep his 1st place position but of course we were gonna have to wait to see what the judges said!

After about 30 minutes the Scores were Prepared and the Award Ceremony commenced. The results were as follows!
Masters Sunday Expert Sunday

This was a FANTASTIC finish for Team Scorpion as both 1st Place Pilots were using Scorpion Power System! Congratulations to Vava Boonmala for your 1st Place victory in Experts Class, and to Sakkarin Kongthon for 1st Place in Masters Class!!!!

After this there was the legendary “Victory Flights” where the victors of both classes get to go out an let loose with their models and show the crowd just what they can do when the stress and regulations of the competitions are lifted!

Vava started off his flight very aggresvily and was pushing his model VERY Hard!!! Unfortunately a bit to hard as the model had a mechanical failure which resulted in a crash!


The CD stepped up to the plate and started his flight! He put down 3 minutes of absolute crazy flying which again just solidified his position as “World Champion”.

Well done to all the competitors who flew and again to Sakkarin Kongthon the new “World Champion” of RC Helicopters!!

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As videos are posted we will post them in our blog! So Stay tuned!

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Global 3D 2019 – Day #2! Results and Recap

Today marked Day #2 of the World largest and most prestigious 3D R/C Helicopter competition in the world. Global 3D! The weather was Sunny with near perfect conditions! A bit of wind in the afternoon but nothing that the professional caliper of pilots of this event couldn’t handle. Also there was an amazing turn out of spectators this year!
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If you didn’t yet read about Day #1 of the competition make sure you check out the previous article HERE

Day 2 is always one of the most busy days of the contest as there are 3 x Preliminary contest rounds flown + The Speed Cup Finals + Sponsor Demos. Commentator Nik Johnson was LIVE streaming the event to RC Heli hangout most of the day so make sure you check out those videos if your curious to see about the day! Also there is Pascal Richter who is acting as a dedicated camera man filming every flight and will be posting and uploading them ASAP!

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The day started with the Experts Class 3 Minute Freestyle Flights followed by the Masters Class 3 Minute Freestyle. The freestyle flight is where the pilots are given free reign to fly and create their very own and unique freestyle flights where they can showcase their new maneuvers as well as how precisely, entertainingly and aggressively they can fly their models!

Since pilots are always pushing their models to the absolute limits, this round is one which is known for LOTs of carnage! In fact for the Expert Round there was probably around 7 Crashes out of 23 pilots , and in the Masters Class about 4 out of 12 pilots. Needless to say, this round is one the crowd loves to watch! Be sure to check out these videos once they’ll get posted!

Luckily there is what is called a “Yellow Card” system in place. The yellow card is essentially a “do over” card and each pilot is given just one for the entire contest. If a pilot crashes or has a mechanical or electronic failure during his flight he is allowed to play his yellow card once which allows him to start his flight over again at the end of the round.

After these 2 rounds then we rolled into the “Speed Cup” Finals. The Speed Measuring Camera System was provided by Georges van Gansen, the owner of Scorpion. Pilots ran a 200 meter course where they came in full speed from a dive, and then leveled out just before the start of the course. Pilots have to run the course both from the left and the right, and then their 2 speeds are averaged together. Top Average speed was 282 km/h  (176mph) by Marc Rodewald!!!

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After the Speed Cup then there were the Sponsor Demos which as always never ceased to amaze the huge crowd! The sponsoring companies sent their best pilots up to demonstrate their skills and their products. In these demos we saw everything to helicopters with smoke/ pyrotechnics, mid airs, tandem flights, crashes and much more!!

To give you a flavor of the intensity of the demos, here are 2 x Scorpion Pilots Sakkarin Kongthron and Marik Wiehenstroth from the Scorpion Power System Demo!!

After the demos then we went straight into the Preliminary Masters Music Routines. The music flights are by far one of the most amazing rounds to watch because watching the pilots choreograph their models to the beats of the music is really neat. This year the judges said that they were really going to be focusing on looking for “new and innovative” maneuvers. So this really motivated the pilots to incorporate never before seen maneuvers into their routines, which certainly proved to be exciting and intriguing to watch.
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So out of all the pilots competing only the Top 5 from each class will progress. Since Experts didn’t yet fly their Preliminary Music Round, we don’t know which of them yet will progress but since Master Class has flown all preliminary rounds the scores we have show which pilots have advanced to the Finals! Here they are!

Master Class – Preliminary Results
1. Sakkarin Kongthron (Team Scorpion)
2. Kan Poonnoi
3. Kenny Ko
4. Marik Wiehenstroth (Team Scorpion)
5. Kyle Stacy

Masters Saturday

So these 5 pilots will be the Final competitors for the Master class of Global 3D 2019! Finals Start tomorrow early afternoon

For Experts going into their Preliminary Music round tomorrow morning the top 5 so far score is as follows.

Expert Class – Day 2 results

1. Vava Boonmalla (Team Scorpion)
2. Henrik Clausen
3. Thanawin Kiatgungwalg
4. Heng Kitchana (Team Scorpion)
5. Aaron Cole

Experts Saturday

However 6th place, Jason Lin, is just 3 points behind 5th and 7th place, Marius Gehle, is only 12 points further behind, out of 1000 points! So its still anybody’s game to see who will advance to the finals! After they fly their preliminary music round tomorrow morning then we will know who will advance and compete in the Finals round tomorrow afternoon.

But after day 2, the 1st place position of both classes, Sakkarin Kongthron and Vava Boonala, are using Scorpion power system, as well as the 4th place of both classes, Marik Wiehenstroth and Heng Kitchana. Congratulations team Scorpion Pilots!

There was A LOT that happened today during the event but this is just a brief overview of the events of today! Hope you enjoy the read and check back again tomorrow for the Finals Blog Post!

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Global 3D 2019 – Day 1 Results and Recap!!!

Today was the start of the worlds most prestigious 3D R/C Helicopter competition in the World, Global 3D!!


This event always held in the beginning of July in Venlo, Netherlands is where the worlds best pilots gather together and compete to see who will be crowned victorious as the worlds BEST 3D Helicopter Pilot. The competition format is one which challenges the pilots in every aspect of flying through 3 different flight routines.

Set Maneuvers – Pilots choose 5 Set Maneuvers from a list of about 40 pre determined Maneuvers. The different maneuvers have different difficulty and “K” factors. “K” Factor is a score multiplier. So the harder maneuvers you choose, the more points you will get, IF, you do them good well!

Freestyle – Pilots Fly a 3 minute all out freestyle routine, where they show the best flying they can do. They are judged on, Entertainment, Innovation, Technicality, Precision and use of Airspace.

Music – Pilots fly a 3 minute “Flight to Music”. Pilots mix their own music routines and then choreograph freestyle flights to the beats of the music. Pilots are judged on Entertainment, Innovation, Technicality, Precision, choreography, and use of Airspace.

In the competition there are 2 skill levels of classes being flown. Masters, and Experts.

The event is judged this year by 5 top shelf judges.

Niels Breet

Jason Platts

Alex Wiehenstroth

Kevin Targett

Dunkan Bossion

Day #1

On day #1 both classes flew their Set Maneuver Flights. While set maneuvers aren’t the most entertains flights to watch, they are crucial round to the competition format. They really challenge the pilots on their precision and overall technical skill level and absolute control of the model.

After the competition flying for both classes stopped, they announced the results for the first round.

Experts Class Round 1 Set Maneuver Scores

  1. Vava Boonmala (Scorpion Sponsored)
  2. Henrik Clausin
  3. Thanawin Kiatgungwalg (Scorpion Sponsored)
  4. Heng Kitchana (Scorpion Sponsored)
  5. Fabien Kloss

Masters Class Round 1 Set Maneuvers Scores

  1. Sakkarin Kongthon (CD) (Scorpion Sponsored)
  2. Kenny Ko
  3. Marik Wiehenstroth (Scorpion Sponsored)
  4. Kan Poonoi
  5. Ryan Chiu (Scorpion Sponsored)

With 6 out of the top 10 pilot places, and the 1st Places in both Classes using Scorpion Power Systems, this real is a great start for Team Scorpion! Keep up the good work Pilots!
Global Scored Day 1

After the competition flying finished then started the Sponsor demos. All of the sponsoring companies sent their best pilots up to wow and please the crowd! One of the best demo was from Scorpion where the Masters Class 1st Place, and 3rd Place pilots Sakkarin Kongthon and Marik Wiehenstroth teamed up for an amazing Tandem Flight!

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That was the end of day #1!! There is still lots of flying to go and it will certainly be interesting to see how this competition progresses! We will keep you posted so check back here tomorrow.

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South East Electric Festival (SEFF) 2019

SEFF is one of the largest Electric only flight festival in the world and it is held every year in Americus, GA.  This year the event had about 230+ registered pilots and beautiful weather the entire event!

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Our new US distributor Mikado USA decided to go to the event and promote the Scorpion line of Airplane Motors and Speed Controllers to the Airplane Crowd at this all Electric RC Flying event!
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The “Main Attraction” from the Team Pilots was their new 100cc Equivalent Electric Giant Scale Airplanes.

Kyle Dahl had his H9 120cc Viking BiPlane on display using the SII-6530-180kv Motor, Tribunus 200A ESC’s and just 12s 5800mah Batteries.
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Santiago Perez had his 105” EF Slick 540 there using the SII-6530-180kv Motor, Tribunus 130ESC’s and just 12s 5000 Batteries.

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To read more about this New Giant Scale Electric power system check out our article. “Electric Giant Scale Airplanes – Revisited”

Santiago and Kyle were also asked to perform Noon Demos for the big crowd on the main days. Kyle flew his Electric Viking and then Kyle and Santiago flew their Tandem Airplane/ Heli Show on Friday and Saturday of the Event. This show was a big attraction to the crowd and they seemed to love it! Check out the videos here!
Kyle Dahl – 120cc Electric Viking
Kyle and Santiago – Tandem Airplane/ Heli Demo 

Kyle and Santi also had some fun flying over the lake at the event. Santi with his 105 Slick, and Kyle with his Carbon Cub on floats with upgraded SII-4020-540kv Motor and Tribunus 80A ESC.

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Mikado USA donated several $1000’s of dollars to the Raffle, including several Motors, ESC’s, Tool Kits, also a Brand new Mikado Vbar Control with Vbar NEO!. Lots of Happy winners!


The Mikado USA team reported that the event was tons of fun and they enjoyed flying and showcasing the Scorpion Airplane line of Motors and ESC to the attendees, and they can’t wait to come back again Next Year!

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Electric Giant Scale Airplanes – Revisited

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Many years ago a trend started for trying to convert Giant Scale Gas airplanes to Electric power. The idea however was never very successful for several reasons and didn’t seem to take off in the market place.

The main problem which people had before was weight, cost, and flight time. The approach which people took before was to use 4 x Lipo Batteries to make  12-14s 10,000mah batteries which ended up being VERY expensive and VERY heavy. Then to counter the weight of the extra lipos people would use very large and expensive motors to give more power to maintain adequate power to weight ratio. However this just added to the weight of the model as well. This lipo weight / motor power was a curve that they couldn’t seem to get ahead of. The planes were very expensive due to lipo costs and ended up weighing up to 5-6lbs heavier then their gas equivalent and since they used such power hungry motors, still only got about 4 minute flight times.

This is where the concept of Electric Powered Giant Scale Models left off, and it hasn’t really be revisited since. That is until now!

A few months ago our Team Pilot Santiago Perez started thinking of ways to revisit this topic and came up with a theory. The theory was to get ahead of the power to weight curve by using a very light efficient power system instead of a heavy power hungry system!

Scorpion’s largest airplane motor they make is a SII-6530-180kv motor which was originally designed to over power a 85cc gas equivalent airplanes. However what Santiago tried was to use this very light motor on a 100cc airframe with respectively “small” 12s 5000mah batteries. The results ended up being really interesting!

A standard 100cc gas engine has about 50lbs of static thrust and weighs about 26lbs which gives a power to weight ratio of 1.9 : 1.
The Scorpion SII-6530-180kv motor has 42 lbs of thrust and since we are using such a light Motor/ESC/ Battery power system the airframe ended up being about 2.5 lbs lighter then its equivalent gas power system! Which gave a respectable power to weigh ratio of 1.78 : 1.
Which allows for unlimited up lines and Aerobatic maneuvers!

Then the next thing that was surprising was the flight time which was attained. Santiago is using half of the batteries as the “old style”  of electric planes, yet he is achieving 4-6 minutes of flying time!! Which is more then he found with the old style. This is because the plane is much much lighter with such a efficient motor.
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All and all, Santiago reported that he was were really impressed with this power system on his airplane and reported that since the airplane was so light it was really fun to fly, and super cool to have such a large electric powered airplane. Santiago says that he “feels that this gives validity to the concept because it is light weight, efficient and cost effective, and  hopes that it becomes the new standard of electric powered giant scale airplanes”.

Santiago’s setup is as follows.

Model – Extreme Flight 105” Slick
Motor – SII-6530-180kv
ESC – Tribunus 130A
Battery – 12s 5000mah
Propeller – Falcon 28x13E

Here is a video of Santiago talking about his setup and thoughts on this plane.

Here is a video of the Plane being flown in a tandem demo at SEFF 2019 along with Kyle Dahl  flying his Logo 690 Fusion.

Santiago and our US distributor, Mikado USA, took and showed this airplane off at SEFF 2019 and Joe Nall 2019 where people took a lot of interest in this New Giant Scale Electric Concept!

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The new firmware V60 for whole Scorpion Tribunus Series ESC just released.

We just released a new V60 firmware for whole Tribunus series ESC use.
Please update the Sproto to the latest version and install the new firmware.

Change log as below:
– fixed problem wit BEC startup error shown on Vbar.
– fixed problem with wrong overcurrent error shown on Vbar.
– Increase control frequency for better motor control
– Changed timing algorithm to make it more precise for different motors and load.
– Improved motor start


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