Lee Martin racing blog for BRCA Round 2 – TORCH

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Lee Martin just finished the BRCA Round 2 – TORCH The below is the blog from Lee Martin. Track – Astro, small bumps with medium traction – Dry. 2wd: Rain was threatening the day but we were lucky that only … Continue reading

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Mikado Proving Grounds Rev 2 Ep1 – Scorpion Trinunus 200 with Integration to VBC

Mikado Team Pilot Kyle Dahl just released the Mikado Proving Grounds Rev 2 Ep1.
Scorpion Tribunus 14-200A (SBEC) with integration to Mikado VBar Control.

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Tribunus ESC Critical firmware update!

Tribunus series ESC V.49 update is released, please update as soon as possible, added security!

– update protection algorithm.

– Added temperature measurement bug fix.

– Added continues current limitation based on timeout set in pc program. Value is calculated as current value set on the program x 2 + 12A Gap, but no more         than maximum allowed current for device

–  BEC protection improved.

–   Fixed problem with beep mode with different motor direction settings.

–  Added motor checking before beeping.

– Changed default maximum temperature setting to 120 degrees

– Changed default protection delay setting to 5 seconds

– Changed default maximum current setting to 200A for 14S ESC.

– Limited maximum pulse current to 250A for 6S ESC and to 350A for 14S ESC

– Fixed problem with not enough current for calibration process and motor check process.

– Time out for PC connection in Unsc Telem communications mode extended to 15 second from 10 second.

-Governor maximum RPM calculations increased by 5%.

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Using Scorpion Modeling Mesh to increase cooling for your ESC and motor on your RC Helicopter!

Increase cooling for your ESC and motor on your RC Helicopter!

Using Scorpion Modeling Mesh

Most of the Helicopter maker don’t really consider the importance of cooling for your power electronics, so here is a simple solution, cut some cooling holes in your canopy, some peoples will not be doing this because they think they are destroying their beautiful canopy, follow the simple step below and the damage of looks will be minimal.

Use masking tape to mark the place for the cooling holes.
Modeling Mesh 01

Then use a Dremel with a small diamond cutting disk to cut the holes, leave a bit of space and finish it using a diamond fill.
Modeling Mesh 02

Do not remove the masking tape yet.
Modeling Mesh 03

Use a paint maker to paint the edges after the cut been done, use same colour or similar colours as the canopy, in my case, Black.
Modeling Mesh 04

Lightly spray the modelling mesh so the color will be similar to the canopy, here again it’s black.
Modeling Mesh 05

After spraying it with Tamiya black spray paint.
Modeling Mesh 06

Cut the mesh to fit the holes, leave some extra for the glue on all 4 side.
Modeling Mesh 07

Carefully mix some Epoxy, for me Zpoxy is best! Been using it for over 20 years, always happy of the results, use a small brush to brush the epoxy on the side of the holes, do 1 side at a time here,  and pre bend the mesh in to shape that will fit your canopy curves.
When applying the mesh, use the twiser to carefully place the mesh on the pre glued holes before the epoxy harden, then use the twiser to carefully make sure the mesh is conforming to the curve of the canopy so its leaves no gap in between .

Modeling Mesh 08

After the epoxy has hardened, a view from the inside.
Modeling Mesh 09

TA DA…. all done, your electronics is now very happy with the extra cooling and the canopy looks absolutely great!
Modeling Mesh 10Modeling Mesh 11Modeling Mesh 12


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Robot Competition Results from Ogrobots (Brazil)

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Congratulations to Team Ogrobots  won the Bronze medal They come to share their results in the world competition that they have been disputing for the last few weeks! Their robot competed with 30 other robots and we won the third overall place … Continue reading

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A group name Multicopters.cat at Barcelona

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The FPV group Multicopters.cat at Barcelona, Spain has a fpv racing event, you can see a lot of people having fun with their fpv. Photos Provided by Aleix Alba Palmarola  

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Caution advisory : Static problem on belt drive helicopter.

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) cause by belt drive system is very common in RC heli, some will guide the static to the motor mount, some will guide it to the negative of the battery, both are bad idea, especially the first one, guiding ESD to the motor can/will accumulate the charge to a point where it get so strong it can penetrate the winding of the motor, then this ESC will be guided in to the ESC, MOSFET’s are very sensitive to ESD and this can cause the gate in the MOSFET’s to fail and you will end up having a dead short in the MOSFET’s results is fire.

Guide it to the battery will create a lot of noise in your electrical system, servo, receiver, FBL system ETC.. So also not a good idea.

BEST THINGS to do is to use a anti static spray and spray all the belt and gears in your helicopter, this will eliminate the possibility of static build up on your heli, use such as Sprayway 955 anti static spray, I have been using this for many years and never had any static electric build up on my helis.

Happy Landing.


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No other ESC on the market allow you to do this.

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Tribunus Max Amp functions. exclusive functionality ! Tribunus 200A ESC AMP limits functions! How to use the Max Amp settings. The number entered means continues Amp and peak amp will be double of the continues amp. The Max amp limits … Continue reading

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Caution advisory! Induction voltage cause by servos.

Caution advisory!  

Induction voltage cause by servos.

We have seen some report of our 6S120A SBEC shutting down the BEC when you are moving

the swash servo very quickly, causing the flight system to reboot, this generally can be tested

before flight, just move all 3 servo with your radio at the same time and move it fast, do some fast 

full up and down movements and see will your flight system reboots due to BEC protection been activated.

Some servo will feed back induction voltage cause by servos motors to the flight system and ESC, Our BEC

has a over voltage protection, if the inline voltage goes over 9.2V, the BEC will shutdown to protect the flight electronics

( servo, Gyro, receives etc…) so when the servo induction voltage is over 9.2V, this will trigger the protection to kick in,

we have recently tested some servos and have witness induction voltage cause by servos up to 14 volts,  obviously due to

induction, so how to avoid this, first we recommend to use maximum 7.2V and not higher BEC voltage so you have more head room,

second is to install capacitors on your receiver so it can act as a buffer, you can find this readily available in many hobby shop,

To recap, do this test before flight for a new installations, if you see this happening, do the above mentions step to eliminate the voltage surge cause by induction !

When using HV servo, set your BEC voltage at only 7.2 volts is the best and we recommend you to do so.

servo result

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Lee Martin at EOS 2017 Round 5

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From Lee Martin EOS Race report EOS – Round 5 This past weekend was EOS Round 5 held in Wels, Austria at an annual Model show. It was also the first time that I was able to test my Scorpion … Continue reading

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