RC-Plane report, Scorpion News.
Customers and Pilots Statement ( has flown before only Brand-Hxx and Brand-Axx Motors ):
“….the S-5535-160kv is very nice, runs so smooth and quite not as Brand-Hxx and Brand-Axx who sound very raw to this, also too the Power is best have ever had, Scorpion ROCKS !
With between half and three quarter of throttle I can climb like vertical and that not for few seconds, the plane goes up to over 400 meter like this.
Also too have tested to torque with it, with 3 quarter of throttle he stands in the air and I can climb up easy with bit less than full throttle.
flight time : 10 minutes !! I love this Motor and for future only scorpion has to work in my planes….”
Z-37 T Cmelak
from GB-Models
Wingspan : 270 centimeter
Flightweight : around 14.5 Kilogramm
Motor: Scorpion S-5535-160KV ( old Series not the SII but fine for this plane because there is only smooth power on the bearings no 3D flying needed ).
12S Lipo 5000 mAh
120 A ESC Brand-Jxx
26×12 two blade wood Propeller ( XOAR )
by 43 Volts
in Peak: 92 Amps
in Flight by full throttle: 79 Amps by vertical climbing : 85 Amps
5600 rpm