This gallery contains 4 photos.
A friend of mine modify the HKIII-4035 to another type, and something crazy happened, this is cool man!!
My friend Herve Mourichoux just wrote an article on the French model magazine and below are some photos. And the article is here. Please enjoy.
This gallery contains 4 photos.
A friend of mine modify the HKIII-4035 to another type, and something crazy happened, this is cool man!!
This gallery contains 6 photos.
Huston!!! Eagle has landed. To be release Mid October! 3 to 6S Lipo ,120A continues, 150A peak 3 second. SBEC, 5.2 to 8.4 Adjustable 10A continues >20A peak. Airplane and Heli mode, Stored and unstored Governor, external governor. Data Logging, … Continue reading
Video share by Eloy Gambin
Designed for helicopter speed, this powerhouse of a motor can also pull over 7KW (160A) for a few seconds and 120A continuous Scorpion Motors are well known for their high quality highly rated motors and this new one, the HKII-4235-630, … Continue reading
This motor is from the high performance M series, is rated to over 1.1kW, and suitable for 6S to 10S LiPo packs Primarily aimed at large scale UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) this motor can deliver over 3.6Kg of thrust using … Continue reading
The Scorpion 2204’s big brother, the 2205 2350kv is up on the docket! Thanks to Scorpion for sending these over for testing. As always, please give me any feedback on ways to improve it or make it the comparisons clearer. Once … Continue reading
This gallery contains 15 photos.
A few weeks ago has a chance to review a new drone , its new chassis QF1 , along with two sets of M2204 engines. Please read the review article.