Author Archives: admin

SmartBird 2013

Nice aeroplane with nice power and nice team!

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Thailand Heli Smackdown 2013

One of the Thailand Competition.

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Thailand Heli Smackdown (GAUI) 2013

My friend shared these photo out.

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Las Vegas Funfly 2013

The Las Vegas Funfly 2013 was held on March 8-10 2013

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Model Ship Sport China National 2013


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World Championship WM Gent, Belgium 2013

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TITC 2013 (Thailand International R/C Touring Car Championship)

In TITC 2013, Driver Tee Sutthiprawat got the position for TQ and the champion of F1 class, and the 6th place A main of 13.5 open brushless. Driver Kit Chau got the 3rd place FF touring car, all powered by … Continue reading

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The 9th Shanghai International Model Exhibition (SIME 2012)

The 9th Shanghai International Model Exhibition was held in 28~30th September 2012 in Shanghai, China

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RC Heli Festa 2012 in Japan

RC Heli Festa 2012 Japan was held in Ojima on 25~26August, 2012

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IRCHA 2012

2012 Jamboree was held at the Academy of Model Aeronautics on 15~19Aug, 2012

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