Author Archives: admin

Congratulations to Kyle and Tal!

Congratulations to Kyle Stacy and Tal Roglit both have a great result at XFC 2015! All powered by Scorpion Power System with Scorpion HK-4525-520KV – ULTIMATE motor.

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The FPV racing 2015 competition at HKMEC.

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Professional job need professional equipment, Scorpion is the one you need!

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A easy way to maintenance the RS-3420 motor with the Bearing Maintenance Kit.

it is online now.  

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BattleAxe 700 prototype undergoing test, using Scorpion motor!

BattleAxe 710 prototype RC helicopter undergoing test in Taiwan, using Scorpion motor! Reported by RC Tech Taiwan, the heli should hit the street by July 2015, looks like the mechanics are taking up the power from our motor without any … Continue reading

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How to do bearing maintenance on Scorpion motors? EASY!!!

It is online now!

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When failure is not an option, Scorpion is the only choice !!

We have video from NASA that they are using our Custom SII-4020-360 motors on a project. This is the video: This is the project link: please enjoy.

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Student Bachelor Project

This project is running and powered by Scorpion S-1804 and S-1805 motors.

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German Masters in F3P Indoor Aerobatics 2015

Congratulations to All Scorpion pilots have a great result this year. Powered by Scorpion S-1804-1650KV.

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HKMCA 1:10 RC Car Champion ship 2015

Congratulations to all the drivers to have a great result at the beginning of this year.

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