Author Archives: admin

Caution advisory : Static problem on belt drive helicopter.

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) cause by belt drive system is very common in RC heli, some will guide the static to the motor mount, some will guide it to the negative of the battery, both are bad idea, especially the first … Continue reading

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No other ESC on the market allow you to do this.

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Tribunus Max Amp functions. exclusive functionality ! Tribunus 200A ESC AMP limits functions! How to use the Max Amp settings. The number entered means continues Amp and peak amp will be double of the continues amp. The Max amp limits … Continue reading

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Caution advisory! Induction voltage cause by servos.

Caution advisory!   Induction voltage cause by servos. We have seen some report of our 6S120A SBEC shutting down the BEC when you are moving the swash servo very quickly, causing the flight system to reboot, this generally can be tested before flight, just move all … Continue reading

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Lee Martin at EOS 2017 Round 5

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From Lee Martin EOS Race report EOS – Round 5 This past weekend was EOS Round 5 held in Wels, Austria at an annual Model show. It was also the first time that I was able to test my Scorpion … Continue reading

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Daniel Baldissarri at ETS Season 2017 Round 1!!

Congratulations to Daniel Baldissarri won the second place at ETS Season 2017 Round 1 A-main Modified Class. Powered by: Scorpion RS-3420 4.5T  

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2017珠江三角大獎賽( 珠海)

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恭喜何健强 於2017珠江三角大獎賽( 珠海) 贏得mono1組別冠軍, mini mono組別 冠軍, mono1 team組別冠軍與及Minihydro亞軍. Powered by : Scorpion IS-2835-3600

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Videos and Links about Scorpion Tribunus, this might help you a lot!!

Bobby Watts show you how to set up the Tribunus 14-200A ESC and Demonstration flight by Kyle Stacy How to set up the 06-120A ESC Scorpion Tribunus 06-120A Demo flight Produce by Jan-David Schreier and Daniel Schreier ** Scorpion Tribunus 06-120A – … Continue reading

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A race report from EWS International 2017

EWS International 2017 – Race Report The 2017 EWS International took place at the end of the usual European winter season and was fully booked with 130 entries – once again making this the premier on-road race in the UK.  … Continue reading

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Scorpion Tribunus ESC latest firmware V48 is released!!

Tribunus user, the latest V48 firmware update is released, please update your Tribunus ESC. V48 include the following update: Over Temperature protection update. Auto drive frequency algorithm update. Motor start up check and protection algorithm update. Jeti RPM bug fixed. … Continue reading

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Scorpion Tribunus 14-200A ESC SBEC Q&A

Question: Scorpion:  Up until now, I’ve been a user of Kontronik Kosmik/Jive and Jeti Mezon ESCs.   One of the reasons I selected those units was the ability to place a fully charged 2S lipo directly in parallel with the BEC … Continue reading

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