16 items / $ 2914.55

Official Implementation of New Scorpion Tribunus ESC QC Steps


At Scorpion Power System, commitment to customer satisfaction is our primary goal. To further accomplish this goal, we have now fully implemented the following additional Quality Control steps to our manufacturing and sales process of Scorpion Tribunus ESCs. This process began implementiation in 2022, but is now fully operational on 100% of Tribunus ESC's being shipped from Scorpion Power System. 

Pre Existing QC Steps

In the past all Tribunus ESC's have gone through a standard 3 point QC insepction process including Automated Optical Inspection, FW loading, and no load run in. 

This has proven effective in sorting out the majority of faulty ESC, well within the industrial standard range. However, we wanted to go further in ensuring only the best or product arrive to our customers. 


The 4th QC insepction is an added step where we power the ESC via battery, load the latest ESC FW, then do a stress test of the BEC circuitry. To do this step we have made a testing station with many servos hooked up to it all attached to signifigant load. The motor is spooled up under no load, then the servos are actuauted in an aggresive manner for extended period of time. This stresses the BEC to ensure proper function and capability. 

The 5th and Final QC insepction is then at another station where the ESC is pre heated to high temperature, and then hooked to a motor and completes a High Amp Run In for extended period of time. In this test we can stress test the ESC to ensure proper function under high amp working conditions and high temeprature. At the same time we can check and ensure the current measuring and other telemtry functions are working properly as well. 

Once this final check is completed the ESC reciceves the "GOLD STAMP OF APPROVAL" which is a small gold sticker placed onto the side or back of the ESC. 

What this signifies?

When you, our valued customer recieve your ESC and see this sticker, you know that it means your ESC has been put to the test, and proven itself to be worthy of the Scorpion Brand Logo. 

When you buy Scorpion, you are buying assurance, and you can Fly Wih Confidence! 


View our whole line of Tribunus ESCs HERE


Note - This new 5 x QC inspection process is in full effect for all new Scorpion Tribunus ESCs which leave our facility from February 01, 2023. We cannot however guarantee that all dealers have available the latest stock which has been tested under thes conditions. Some delaers may have older stock shipped prior to this implementation. This product can be used and sold without concern, as these additional QC measures are and an additional security, but does not signify an issue with before sold product. 



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